After traveling through Hong Kong airport we got into Bangkok around 9ish. It was nice to see the city through the window as we came down unfortunately this was the first time we didn’t have window seats in a plane. About 30 or 40 minutes by cab and we were at the New Siam II, our guest house. 29 degrees Celsius at night… this will take a bit of acclimatizing. We wondered about looking for Khao San road and happened across it really quickly, no more than a minute walk from our place it turns out.
Everything is so casual here. Everything and everyone is laid back, no real hustle and bustle. This is clearly not China any more. We had some food before heading back to the room… turns out spicy thai food is really really spicy
We cranked the AC and fell asleep. Amy shows up tomorrow… I think she will be really excited to see this.
Today started off fun. We eventually went for our second dose of the fake market. I was on a mission to get a fake Rolex watch as I didn’t have a watch with me on the trip. It was a lot of fun talking these guys down from 1350Y down to less than 100Y (about 15 bucks Canadian.) Amy and Jen made many more purchases than I did, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of you. I just don’t think I could leave china without classically flouting IP in some way or another. A quick Google search tells me that legit versions of this watch are going for 4 to 22 thousand USD.
It was our last night in Shanghai, Jen and I fly to Bangkok tomorrow, Amy will follow a day later. We went to the Oriental Perl Tower or something… the third highest tower in the world next to the CN and whatever was recently built to best it. The view was quite nice and it was nice to see Shanghai at night like that before we left.
Now we are packing up at the apartment, eating all of Amy’s leftover food before taking off tomorrow.
Oh, and how could I forget: Amy bought me a tasty treat at the Haggen Dazs store. It was called “Emotion in Coffee” and it was fan-freaking-tastic.
Keep in mind, we are heading away from guaranteed wifi now. I will do my best to blog when I have a connection, but I don’t know what that will be like from here on out.
Well, last minute everything of course. At the moment I am in the blissful state where I still think I actually remembered everything. In 6 hours I leave for the airport, meet up with Jen, and fly to China. I suppose you could colour me excited